chameleon-trucking-companies-putting-dangerEveryone knows that trucks can be dangerous on the roads, but what few people know is that trucking companies with horrible safety records can get away without paying fines, making necessary repairs or ceasing operations.

These so-called chameleon trucking companies are a threat to everyone on the roads, and there’s very little being done to stop them.

What is a Chameleon Trucking Company?

Like the famed lizard, chameleon trucking companies change their outward appearances to survive. Inside, they’re the same problem-filled companies packed with dangerous safety violations, including drunken drivers, broken equipment and terrible maintenance records. They often operate under incredibly unsafe conditions and fabricate paperwork that helps them skirt the laws designed to keep other motorists safe.

When they’re caught, they close up shop and reopen under a different business name.

Isn’t Anyone Cracking Down on Chameleon Trucking Companies?

The Government Accountability Office tries to keep up with chameleon trucking companies, but without hard evidence, there’s little they can do. In their 2012 report, the GAO claimed that over 1,100 “new” trucking companies were actually chameleon carriers. About 20 percent of those companies have been accused of causing serious accidents, including those that involve fatalities.

When chameleon trucking companies are discovered, they’re subjected to fines and other punitive actions – but many simply shut down and start over. Unfortunately, there just aren’t enough resources available to force them to adhere to the laws… and in many cases, the best way to shut them down for good is to hit them where it hurts: in the pocketbook.

What to Do if You Suspect You Were Injured by a Chameleon Trucking Company

Naturally, the first thing you need to do after an accident involving a semi-truck is to seek medical attention. If the truck driver was at fault, it’s probably in your best interests to talk to a car accident lawyer who may be able to help you get financial compensation for your medical bills, lost wages and other expenses.

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