5-things-keep-track-car-accidentThe car accident was a week ago, and you’re home from the hospital. You have prescriptions to take and a good book to read until your doctor clears you to return to work. Your number one priority now is to heal and regain your strength.

Vital Documents After a Car Accident

The last thing on your mind is gathering records and documents. However, if you intend to file a lawsuit against the person responsible for your injuries, you’ll probably need to put a few things together to help your personal injury lawyer help you. It’s best if you keep all of your documents together, in one file, so that you have easy access when your attorney needs them.

1. Keep Medical Records

Keep a detailed record of all medical treatment you’ve received since your accident. Everything. Request a printed summary of your treatmentafter every doctor visit. Note all of your prescriptions, too, and keep them in your file with your medical treatment records.

2. Record All Expenses

Save receipts for every out-of-pocket expense related to your recovery. This includes office visit co-pays, medications, and in some cases, travel expenses to appointments. Make note of every purchase and service related to your recovery. Bandages, clothing replacement, lost deposits for missed travel plans; anything quantifiable that your injuries have cost you.

3. Missed Work or School

Make sure to record all of the hours you’ve missed at work or at school. Keep track of that time, even if you don’t lose pay or lose credit in school for being absent.

4. Make a Photographic Timeline

Take pictures of your injuries as they heal; if you can’t, have someone photograph them for you. Date each photo and make notes of any treatment or surgery preceding each picture. Just a quick note will do, such as, “September 15, stitches removed.”

5. Keep a Pain and Suffering Journal

Keep a daily log of your thoughts and feelings, even if it’s brief. While this may not have any bearing on your case, it can certainly help with your psychological healing (experts suggest that journaling helps you cope with difficult situations, even if you aren’t writing about your injuries). It can’t hurt to keep track of how your injuries have affected your day-to-day existence.

It’s not fair that you’re suffering because of someone else’s actions. By doing these five simple things, you’re giving your personal injury lawyer everything he or she needs to ensure the best possible outcome of your case.

further reading: http://www.caraccidentlawyer-brooklyn.com/articles/3-things-affect-damages-trial/