Truckers’ Safety Regulations and You

Close-up car accidentThe highways are clogged with semi-trucks at any given hour of the day. We’ve all been subconsciously trained to get out of their way, too; they’re bigger, carry more momentum, and have the potential to smash our passenger cars into tiny pieces on the side of the expressway.

But aren’t there regulations in place to protect us from dangerous truck drivers?

Mandatory Driving Hours: Is Anyone Paying Attention?

Federal laws require truck drivers to get a certain amount of rest before they get behind the wheel. Even then, they’re not allowed to drive more than 11 hours per day. Trucking companies are supposed to keep track of how long their operators drive, either through detailed hand-written logs or by computer, but there are always ways to game the system – and sometimes companies find them in order to increase profits.

The problem is that those federal laws are in place to protect other motorists. When truckers drive fatigued, they’re at risk for falling asleep or getting “tunnel vision,” and that puts all of us at risk when we’re on the road.

Profits vs. Routine Maintenance

Like with any company, trucking carriers are concerned with the bottom line. Maintenance costs money; sometimes it costs less money to pay for one damaged truck than it does to do routine maintenance on an entire fleet.

Recently, a tour bus crashed in California, killing eight people. Why? Because none of its brakes worked – something that should’ve been addressed before the bus ever left its garage. (As a side note, that company had been cited several times for gross safety violations and continued to operate, so it was only a matter of time before tragedy struck.)

When Truckers (and Their Companies) Ignore Regulations

Whether a distracted, tired trucker hits the road without being prepared for his or her shift or a fleet manager disregards simple safety standards, everyone who shares the highway with them is at risk. Trucks can be incredibly dangerous, and within seconds, a collision can change the course of any of our lives.